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Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
 Bible Study Videos 

10/21/2020  Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical  Fratelli Tutti - Brothers and Sisters All

What does it say to us as people of faith and simply as "people of good will."  
Download a copy here.   



10/28/2020  Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical  Fratelli Tutti - Brothers and Sisters All

What does it say to us as people of faith and simply as "people of good will."  
Download a copy here.  


11/04/2020  Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical  Fratelli Tutti - Brothers and Sisters All  Sections 15 - 21

What does it say to us as people of faith and simply as "people of good will."  
Download a copy here.  

11/11/2020  Fratelli Tutti Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical  Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All)  Sections 22 - 29

Download the Encyclical here.   

11/25/2020  Fratelli Tutti  Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical  Fratelli Tutti - Brothers and Sisters All

What does it say to us as people of faith and simply as "people of good will."  Emigrants and Communication
Download the Encyclical here.   Sections 37 - 47

12/02/2020  Fratelli Tutti  Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical  Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All)  Sections 37 - 47

Data is not wisdom and the Good Samaritan reminds who our neighbor is.
Download the Encyclical here.   

12/09/2020  Bible Study  Fratelli Tutti  Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical  Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All)  Sections 63 - 79

You knew the Good Samaritan would be in here somewhere.

Download the Encyclical here. 

12/16/2020  Bible Study  Pope Francis's Encyclical,  Fratelli Tutti (Brothers and Sisters All)  Sections 80 - 100

Christians are compelled to see Christ in the excluded.

Download the Encyclical here. 

01/06/2021  Fratelli Tutti  Bible Study  Sections 101 - 111

Discussing societal individuality, Underlying this is a conception of the human person as detached from all social and anthropological contexts, as if the person were a “monad” (monás), increasingly unconcerned with others… Unless the rights of each individual are harmoniously ordered to the greater good, those rights will end up being considered limitless and consequently will become a source of conflicts and violence.

01/13/2021  Fratelli Tutti  Bible Study  Sections 112 - 123

We are just stewards.  "The right of some to free enterprise or market freedom cannot supersede the rights of peoples and the dignity of the poor, or, for that matter, respect for the natural environment, for “if we make something our own, it is only to administer it for the good of all”."

01/27/2021  Bible Study  Fratelli Tutti (We are all brothers and sisters)  sec. 124 – 129

A discussion of the common destination of goods, public and private property.

On the other hand, if we accept the great principle that there are rights born of our inalienable human dignity, we can rise to the challenge of envisaging a new humanity. We can aspire to a world that provides land, housing and work for all. This is the true path of peace, not the senseless and myopic strategy of sowing fear and mistrust in the face of outside threats.

02/03/2021  Fratelli Tutti  Sections 130 - 135

How should we treat the immigrant?

02/10/2021  Fratelli Tutti Sections 135 - 148

"A “local narcissism” instead frets over a limited number of ideas,customs and forms of security; incapable of admiring the vast potential and beauty offered by thelarger world, it lacks an authentic and generous spirit of solidarity."

02/17/2021 Fratelli Tutti Sections 149 – 164

"An awareness of our own limitations and incompleteness, far from being a threat, becomes the key to envisaging and pursuing a common project. For “man is a limited being who is himself limitless”"

02/24/2021 Fratelli Tutti Sections 165 – 174

The United Nations and International Power

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    Ruth Sievert Pastor